Hong Kong Poison Control Centre

In 2005-2007, with dedicated funding from the Hong Kong SAR government, the foundation of poison control service in Hong Kong was built. Three clinical units were established under Hospital Authority, namely the Hong Kong Poison Information Centre, Toxicology Reference Laboratory and Poison Treatment Centre. In the Department of Health, the toxicovigilance section was established. The four teams act as the pillar units of the Hong Kong Poison Control Network. They proactively work with medical and health care workers, health care institutes, government departments, universities and many other stakeholders in Hong Kong. The system integrates disease treatment and disease prevention. It empowers frontline health workers to be the first-line defense against poisoning.

To further enhance the prevention and treatment of poisoning, the Chief Executive of HKSAR has announced in the 2022 policy address that a poison control centre will be established under Hospital Authority through integration of the existing services. The centre is inaugurated in November 2023. Through pooling of multi-specialty talent and strengthened governance, Hong Kong Poison Control Centre is dedicated to provide a more versatile and forward-looking service. It will collaborate with external counterparts to better poison control at a regional level.

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